About Me

I am a student at the University of Glasgow, currently enrolled in Software Engineering (BSc). My goal is to build and maintain software to improve people's lives in a meaningful way.


  • Convolutional Neural Network for Signature Verification

    I built a CNN during the final summer of International Baccalaureate for my Extended Essay. The CNN can, with optimistic accuracy, distinguish between genuine and faked signatures.

  • Recipe Calorie Calculator

    For my Internal Assessment in IB, I built a calculator which sums up the total calories of a given recipe.

  • Book Recommendation System

    For my last project of Year 1 of university, I built a system where books can be recommended based on given ratings of other books.



  • Java 3 years
  • HTML 2 years
  • CSS 2 years
  • Python 1 year
  • Assembly (Sigma16) 1 year

Nam elementum nisl et mi a commodo porttitor. Morbi sit amet nisl eu arcu faucibus hendrerit vel a risus. Nam a orci mi, elementum ac arcu sit amet, fermentum pellentesque et purus. Integer maximus varius lorem, sed convallis diam accumsan sed. Etiam porttitor placerat sapien, sed eleifend a enim pulvinar faucibus semper quis ut arcu. Ut non nisl a mollis est efficitur vestibulum. Integer eget purus nec nulla mattis et accumsan ut magna libero. Morbi auctor iaculis porttitor. Sed ut magna ac risus et hendrerit scelerisque. Praesent eleifend lacus in lectus aliquam porta. Cras eu ornare dui curabitur lacinia.


Donec imperdiet consequat consequat. Suspendisse feugiat congue
posuere. Nulla massa urna, fermentum eget quam aliquet.